The 7-best-practices-to-be-a-world-class-developer in no time - Joklinz-Tech


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Thursday, 30 November 2017

The 7-best-practices-to-be-a-world-class-developer in no time

 making apps is becoming easier every day,I will discuss some of the methods  great developer

STEP ONE: Mind your data 
Whatever app you’re building, its basic element is data

STEP TWO:A field for every need
Fields are the channels through which data is submitted to the app.
STEP THREE:Document every breath
Document everything you do when building your app.
STEP FOUR:Explore the library
Every low-code language has a library of pre-built functions and methods. 
STEP FIVE:Save time with schedules
Efficient developers see that human interaction with the app is kept to a minimum, which reduces runtime and errors.
STEP SIX:Reduce, reuse, and relax
Think of this before you write a line of code
STEP SEVEN:Run. Tweak. TEST. Repeat
Always test your app.

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